Paris 1899. At the height of the Belle Epoque, Loulou, a 12-year-old orphan girl, dreams of becoming a famous dancer, but Madame Trochu, the director of the orphanage, makes every effort to prevent it.
But who is Loulou actually? Will she ever be able to discover the secret hidden in her past? And who is the mysterious man who follows her at a distance?
Loulou De Montmartre is a fascinating story, full of action, mysteries and pathos, an authentic melò that will keep the viewer captivated from the first to the last episode, set in a place and an era (La Belle Epoque) that have become legendary!
Let yourself be transported to the glittering years of the early 1900s!
From the glorious Opéra to the newly built Eiffel Tower, from the luxury of the Faubourg Saint-Germain to the miserable alleys of the Butte Montmarte, Loulou and his friends live in a mythical Paris, meeting imaginary or real characters, such as Degas, the famous painter, or the Lumiére brothers…
In this colorful and optimistic era, when everything seemed possible, Loulou, his friend Gaby (a smart kid from Montmartre who is an apprentice journalist) and their companions will try to thwart the plans of the perfidious Baron De Boisrobert, intent on sacrificing Montmartre to a gigantic real estate speculation, and they will find that their struggle may also clear up the mystery of Loulou’s past.
Loulou De Montmartre was broadcast by France 3 in France (where a series of illustrated books for the Bayard Poche editions were also produced) and in Italy by Rai 2 and Rai Gulp, obtaining excellent ratings with every passage.